
Three days of travel – the south of the country from the Judean Desert to Masada and the Negev Mountains

Tour date: 17/02/2025


What do we know about the Judean desert? Not just a desert but a lasting piece of history. We will get to know Masada’s story. Let’s get to know the father of the nation David Ben-Gurion in modern times who saw the Negev as the key to a safe existence in the Land of Israel. We will tell the wonderful story of the sprouts that originated from the north of the Arabian Peninsula. Of course we won’t miss out…

Date: 17.02.2025

Cost: 450 NIS per person.

Starting point: Masada, the eastern entrance.

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What do we know about the Judean desert? Not just a desert but a lasting piece of history. We will get to know Masada’s story. Let’s get to know the father of the nation David Ben-Gurion in modern times who saw the Negev as the key to a safe existence in the Land of Israel. We will tell the wonderful story of the sprouts that originated from the north of the Arabian Peninsula. Of course we won’t miss out…

Date: 17.02.2025

Cost: 450 NIS per person.

Starting point: Masada, the eastern entrance.

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אנגלית, גרמנית, סינית, ספרדית, עברית, צרפתית


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