
The sins of the colony

תאריך הטיול: 11/07/2024



A short and easy tour, in which we will walk around the beautiful and special Templar colony,
We will wander among the magnificent red-shingled houses, sit in the shade of the perennial trees intertwined in the neighborhood,
We will be impressed and amazed by the uniqueness of this quiet neighborhood, which is now in the heart of Jerusalem, but in the past was a distant and rural colony,

We will learn about a number of exciting and thought-provoking sins that took place in the sleepy and mysterious German colony.?
A flat and accessible route

Spoiler – in some of the sins I have personal involvement!
I would love for you to experience the sins, crimes and mysteries with me❤️
The guide Mani Yishai is a rooted and old Jerusalemite, a Jerusalemite who served for about thirty years as an investigator in the police,

Manny likes to investigate and tell about crimes, wander and tell stories about Jerusalem, some of them personal, about hidden places, about disappearing secrets, about magical places. and about solved and unsolved crimes.

Date: 11.07.2024

Cost: 150 NIS per person.

starting point. At the entrance to Kafith Cafe.

Additional information



איטלקית, גרמנית, עברית


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