
Terror at Rehavia

תאריך הטיול: 03/05/2024



A tour full of tension and mystery in the quiet city
The Rehavia neighborhood has a reputation for being a quiet luxury neighborhood in the heart of Jerusalem. It was founded at the beginning of the 20th century, and among its residents were some of the leaders of the Hebrew settlement who lived near the “State on the Road” institutions, which were established there during the British Mandate.
The peace of the pastoral Garden neighborhood has been shaken over the years by a number of extraordinary events. In a unique tour we will try to find out.
Who murdered the honorable Swedish count?
Where and why were millions of shekels stolen in a daring operation, and why was the daring robber not caught until the day he died?
How was a young boy kidnapped, who kidnapped him and why? And what happened to him?
And what happened on the Gaza street known to the security forces man who was also a hero of Israel?

Date: 03.05.2024

Price: 150 NIS

Starting point: Rehavia Garden

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