
Light Train Geopolitical Tour

Tour date: 06/02/2025


1. The tour is 3-3.5 hours long, includes some walking (for about an hour), and entails boarding the light train along 5 main stops. You will enter a Jewish religious site (modest clothes + skull cap for men) Arab and Jewish Neighborhoods in West and East Jerusalem.
2. First Stop: The Jerusalem Municipality light train station – a brief Introduction to the 1948 armistice line.
3. Second stop: Shivtei-Israel station – A tale of two cities and “The Museum on the Seam”.
4. Third stop: Shimon Ha-Tsadik station – A visit to the Shoafat neighborhood where riots erupted sparking the 2021 Gaza war and the grave of Shimon the High priest in the Jewish temple.
5. Forth Stop: Es-Sahel station – an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood and the site of the abduction of Muhamed Abu Hdeir leading to the 2014 Gaza war.
6. Fifth Stop: Yekutiel Adam – a view of Shoafat refugee camp and the settlement\neighborhood of Pisgat Ze`ev .

The tour takes about 3 hours and is accessible to everyone.


The Jerusalem Light Train Geopolitical Tour with Lieutenant-colonel (Reserves) Avi Shalev
Join Lieutenant-colonel (Reserves) Avi Shalev on a walking tour of Jerusalem that follows the Geo-politics footsteps of the Arab-Jewish conflict in Jerusalem over the last 100 years. Lieutenant-colonel (Reserves) Avi Shalev retired following 24 years of service in the Israeli Defense Force in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. He holds an MA degree in Islamic studies and is the author of the book “THE ONLY JEW IN THE ROOM”.
The tour follows the Jerusalem light train stops which run on the pre-1967 border between Jordan and Israel. You will “hop” from station to station using the light train and visit the major stumbling blocks of the Israeli Palestinian conflict: Borders, refugees, holy-religious sites in Jerusalem, mixed Jewish-Arab neighborhoods, settlements and war. The trail of the light train follows the heart of the Arab Israeli conflict!
1. The tour is 3-3.5 hours long, includes some walking (for about an hour), and entails boarding the light train along 5 main stops. You will enter a Jewish religious site (modest clothes + skull cap for men) Arab and Jewish Neighborhoods in West and East Jerusalem.
2. First Stop: The Jerusalem Municipality light train station – a brief Introduction to the 1948 armistice line.
3. Second stop: Shivtei-Israel station – A tale of two cities and “The Museum on the Seam”.
4. Third stop: Shimon Ha-Tsadik station – A visit to the Shoafat neighborhood where riots erupted sparking the 2021 Gaza war and the grave of Shimon the High priest in the Jewish temple.
5. Forth Stop: Es-Sahel station – an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood and the site of the abduction of Muhamed Abu Hdeir leading to the 2014 Gaza war.
6. Fifth Stop: Yekutiel Adam – a view of Shoafat refugee camp and the settlement\neighborhood of Pisgat Ze`ev .

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אנגלית, עברית, צרפתית


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