Website Terms of Use

Terms of use and receipt of services:

A. General Terms

1. The TOUR DE ISRAEL website is a website that connects service providers and customers (the user), which is operated by third parties who are not parties to the services provided, is not a party to the contract and its entire function, a connection between service providers and customers, in the field of tourism.

2. The purpose of the site is to link tour guides to the user, the site operators are not directly involved in the transactions made between the users and the tour guides and they will not bear any responsibility in relation to the content offered on the site by guides or third parties, and on any end device on which they appear, their content, their reliability , their accuracy, reliability and their effect on the computers of the users of the site as well as any damage, inconvenience, loss, grief and similar results, direct or indirect, that will be caused to the user, his property or any third party due to the use of these contents. In addition, the website operators do not verify the identity of the users and do not confirm or clarify their qualifications, past or eligibility.

3. In order to use the website, the user must be over 18 years of age, and after declaring that he has read the terms of use presented below. The services offered on this website are intended for legal persons qualified to create contractual obligations from a legal point of view.

4. The site mediates between guides who can offer their trip on the site and travelers who want to register for a trip, both in Israel and abroad. For registering for a trip, the site charges a fee and after the payment is received from the credit company, transfers the rest of the proceeds to the guide.

5. The guides who provide services within the framework of the site, may publish on the site one page with specialization details, opinions of other travelers, specialization in certain languages, regions or period, all for a monthly fee.

6. What is stated in these terms of use appears for convenience in the masculine language only, but the terms of use are aimed at all genders and all population groups.

B. Definitions

7. "TurdIsrael" or "Site Operators" - TurdIsrael LLC, which operates a website and application for tourism services. The term "TurdIsrael" includes all websites and/or applications and/or other platforms for transferring information and/or services and/or content, operated or will be operated in the future by the TurdIsrael company.

8. "Information" or "Contents" - all the information found on the website and/or on the various platforms offered by the website operators including but not limited to the details of the guides appearing on TurdIsrael, the details of their tours, their opinions, the photos of the professionals, photos from the tours, including Content of any kind and type, articles, images, photographs, content uploaded to the site, or collected by guides and/or the user and/or site operators.

9. "Guide" - any guide whose details appear on the website and/or on the company's servers and/or through whom the company provides services.

10. "Services" - mediation and connection services between tour guides and between the user - customers who wish to receive training and travel services, in accordance with the offers available on the site.

C. Terms of use for users and guides

11. The services offered by the site, whether through an application, the website, the mobile site and the various information systems that are offered and provide various information, services and data, for your use, belong to the operators of the site only, who hold the intellectual property rights to all the said activity.

12. The mere use of the various services, and it does not matter which platform you use, including the application, the website, receiving information, the application, the use of the services provided by third parties, etc., indicates your agreement to the terms of use detailed below, and to the other terms that appear or will appear in the future , on this site or in the application or the mobile site, as they will be from time to time.

13. If you do not agree to any of the terms of use as defined above, you are requested to refrain from making any use of any of the means for receiving the services and refrain from receiving the services.

14. The terms of use constitute a binding legal agreement between you and the website operators. With regard to the contract between you and the various service providers, the provisions of these regulations will apply with the mandatory changes, but it will be clarified that the website operators are not a party to the contract between the user and the service provider.

15. The website operators may make changes to the terms of use at any time, in accordance with their sole discretion. Changes to the terms of use that are subject to the provisions of the law will enter into force in accordance with the relevant law at the time of their publication on the website or application or on the relevant platform, depending on the type of service, whether or not the user has been informed.

16. For the avoidance of doubt, even if the provisions of the law were to change, and the provisions of these regulations were not changed accordingly (and it does not matter what the reason for the non-change was), then such a change will apply whether or not it was published by the operators of the site, so that in the relationship between the user and the operators The site, the user's rights will not be affected.

17. Changes to the terms of use that are not related to the provisions of the law, legislation or regulations, will be published as an integral part of the website or the application, without prior notice, and the user must review the terms of use from time to time and make sure that the terms of use meet his personal requirements.

18. The operators of the site may, at their sole discretion, at any time, in any way and for any reason whatsoever, stop providing the services, the application and/or the site, all or part of them, including changing the services and/or various developments. The operators of the website will not bear responsibility towards the user, and/or towards any third party for such use, non-use, downloading of websites and/or tools, means and services and/or non-use for any reason whatsoever.

19. The operators of the website may, in accordance with their sole discretion, at any time, in any way and for any reason, immediately block your access to the website and/or services, all or part of them, as offered by the operators of the website. The user confirms and agrees that the website operators will not bear responsibility towards him and/or towards third parties and/or anyone on his behalf for blocking as mentioned in this section, including for inability to use the services whether due to the operation of the website operators and/or the operation of the various service providers and/or or by virtue of the action of third parties.

20. The user is aware that operations carried out on the Internet cannot be fully secured, and the website operators are not responsible for any rogue virus and/or malware that the user's computer may receive as part of the provision of the services. The website operators take reasonable actions so that all services are performed under appropriate information security standards, however, the parties know that they are unable to perform complete and hermetic security of the user's browsing.

21. Some of the services offered can be used using cell phones, tablets and various mobile accessories, the website operators do not guarantee full compatibility with all the various mobile devices available in the market.

22. Any action taken by the user on the website and/or on any other platform provided by the website operators, is intended for personal non-commercial use, the use is intended for legal purposes subject to the provisions of the terms of use and the provisions of the law and no payment shall be charged for services offered in the application and/or on the website, or any other use that is not personal, or that may harm the website operators or any other third party. You are aware that you are solely responsible for the use of any of the various platforms, including the application and/or website and/or any other or additional service provided by the website operators from time to time.

23. The use of the various platforms may involve registration and/or the provision of data in accordance with the nature of the service provided and the relevant regulatory provisions, for the purpose of ordering tickets and/or some of the services offered by the site may require payment. You must make sure to provide correct details when registering and update your details with any changes. The site undertakes to act in accordance with the provisions of the law, the site will maintain the user's privacy, and will not transfer the user's personal information to third parties. It will be clarified that the website uses various service providers who are obliged to act in accordance with the privacy policy stated above.

24. Making a payment is possible using a credit card, or various technological means. After the payment is approved, a receipt for the payment and any relevant confirmation regarding the services provided to the user will be sent to the user's e-mail address or to any other platform defined in the system and provided by the user.

25. The user is not allowed to use payment methods to purchase services, unless he has the required authorization to do so.

26. The website operators make reasonable efforts to operate the website and the various means of providing the services in a normal manner and without interruptions. At the same time, some of the provision of the services is dependent on providers and third parties, including cellular operators, service providers, etc., cellular and Internet infrastructures, some services may not always be immune from interruptions and malfunctions in their regular operation.

27. The user knows that any of the platforms he may use is not hermetically protected from intrusions, and that the use of advanced technology also involves risks arising from their very nature and the nature of the technology, as it exists on every website and on the internet as a whole.

28. In light of the above, and in light of the inability to fully and continuously guarantee the services from home, the user will not have any claim, demand or claim against the website operators for any fault or disruption as mentioned, including for any damage caused, directly or indirectly, as a result of disruptions or faults as mentioned. The operators of the website will not bear any responsibility and/or liability for any disruption, error or omission in the information found in the application and/or the website and/or the various services and/or the contents therein, and will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of the website and/or or in the services, on the website, including due to malfunctions and inability to use any of these.

29. In order to receive services, the user is asked to provide a number of details, some of which may be of a personal nature, including full name, address and email address, telephone numbers, etc., in addition to these details, you are asked to choose a password that will be used to identify you for the purpose of receiving the services.
The user fully and exclusively agrees to preserve the password and undertakes to notify the website operators immediately of any unauthorized use of your password and/or any other breach of confidentiality.

30. Prices and rates may change from time to time, and there is no commitment on the part of the website operators that the prices will remain unchanged.

31. The website operators are allowed to change the structure of the website, its design, the terms of use, the various contracts with third parties, etc., all in accordance with their needs, the technological changes that will apply from time to time and in accordance with the relevant regulatory instructions as far as they exist.

32. The site contains trademarks and other intellectual property that belongs to the operators of the site, or to other users or third parties. The user must assume that everything on the site (such as images, graphic files, illustrations, text and other material) is protected by intellectual property laws, unless otherwise stated. There is no permission to make illegal use of copyrighted content, including sale, reproduction, distribution, etc., including commercial use, without the prior written consent of the website operators or the owners of the proprietary rights.

33. The exclusive jurisdiction to discuss any dispute and/or conflict regarding the connection, the website, the services, the website operators, and/or the terms of use, will be given to the competent court in the Central District, in the State of Israel only. The law applicable to any dispute and conflict as mentioned in connection with the services, the application and/or the website is Israeli law only.

34. As part of the services provided by the website operators, the website operators cooperate with a number of selected service providers, who serve as service providers for the user. These third party services may receive or have access to the user's personal information, and they will be allowed to use the information only for the purposes of the user's engagement with them.

35. The copyrights on the website and all its contents belong to the website operators, except in the case where the law or another agreement of the website operators stipulates otherwise. You may not copy content from the site or use in any other way the intellectual property of the site operators, except after receiving express permission in writing or in the ways permitted by law.

36. The website allows various transactions to be carried out using a credit card, the credit clearing services are provided by an external provider, whose identity may change from time to time. The use of the clearing services is subject to the terms of use of the clearing services provider, including with regard to his right to act to collect charges that have not been honored in accordance with any law. The operators of the site are not responsible for the clearing services or for any action taken by the clearing service provider or on his behalf.

37. The website may contain various advertising content on behalf of third parties. The website operators do not check the content or correctness of the advertising messages displayed on the website on behalf of third parties, and they do not recommend or support in any way the purchase of any products or services displayed on them. The full responsibility for the content of the advertising messages and for any transaction that may be concluded as a result of them lies with the advertisers.

38. The user may publish information in places on the website that are open to public inspection, the user may not publish, anywhere on the website, logos, signs or advertising slogans of third parties.

39. In order to operate the website, the website operators need certain permissions and/or rights on behalf of the user. Therefore, when the user publishes information, text, files, links to other websites (links), software, images or any content of any kind and type, in public areas of the website, he expressly grants the website operators permission that is not limited in location or time, irrevocably and without rewards (which is not exclusive), to use the content uploaded by the user, to copy, change, transfer, distribute, display and delete it (in whole or in part) and/or to combine this content with other content in any form, media, technology that is known today and/or that will be developed in the future.

40. The user agrees to the company's policy regarding the sharing of his personal information with other users, as detailed in this document and on the website, and that the user's profile on the website is a public profile.

D. Rules of use for the guide

41. As a platform and arena for freelancers, businesses, companies and jobs, the site and the site operators will provide you with the option of presenting a guide profile, which is exposed to the public on the TurdIsrael site and on the Internet.

42. You hereby confirm that you are solely responsible for all the information appearing in your profile, you confirm that you are the legal owner of all said information and that said information does not violate, has not violated and will not violate any intellectual property, copyrights, trademarks, licenses, etc.

43. You hereby confirm that your information may also appear in the profiles of other users, during correspondence with them or viewing or visiting their profile on TurdIsrael or other third party websites, services and applications.

44. You hereby confirm that all information in your profile will immediately become public, visible and exposed, through the website, TurdIsrael's API (application programming interfaces), partner websites, applications, social networks or third-party services. Also, you hereby grant TurdIsrael a non-location-restricted, perpetual and unlimited license to publish, share and use said information without objections or restrictions, as TurdIsrael deems appropriate in its absolute and sole discretion.

45. The following is a partial list of data that can appear on your page: name, business name/business name/company name, phone numbers, slogan, geographic location, number of employees, general descriptions of you and/or your business, etc., languages: languages you speaker and your level of command of these languages. Portfolio: Your portfolio, as you have created on TurdIsrael or imported from third-party portfolio sites. You hereby confirm that you are the owner of the copyrights, trademarks and/or the sole and legal license of all items in the portfolios in your profile, whether uploaded directly to TurdIsrael or imported from a third party service such as YouTube, Facebook or others. Courses, certification, certificate studies: your participation in current and/or past courses, certification, and certificate studies or certification programs. Studies and academic education: Your current and/or past studies and academic education. Projects: Projects you have posted or participated in through TurdIsrael or other third party websites or services. Articles: Articles you have authored, published, shared or uploaded through TurdIsrael or other third party websites or services. Third party services: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Dribbble, Behance, YouTube, Vimeo, GitHub, StackOverFlow, CodePen and more. You hereby confirm that the presentation of information, figures, names, photos, videos, data, statistics and the like in your profile, from these parties and other third party websites and services, do not infringe any copyrights, trademarks, licenses and the like, and that you are the sole and legal owner of said information.

46. In order to ensure an optimal and fluid user experience as possible, TurdIsrael reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to present your entire profile or only specific parts of it to users or visitors, based on their geographic location or language preferences. For the most optimal exposure possible, please ensure that all versions of your profile are complete, complete and accurate.

47. Translations: Any information in your profile such as name, business name, descriptions, academic or work experience, field descriptions, slogan, opinion, etc., that appear on the profile in a language other than English will be subject to automatic translation by TurdIsrael. Please note that automatic translations are not always accurate and that it is your responsibility to proofread and edit any translated content to ensure its accuracy and that it appears on your profile to your complete satisfaction (this can be done by viewing the international profile version). If there is any content that is not available for you to edit, you should contact a TurdIsrael customer service representative.

48. TurdIsrael reserves the right to delete any information from your profile, or alternatively, to delete your entire profile, for any reason, without giving you advance notice or justifying such action. We may act this way if we have reason to believe that you, or any information in your profile, may infringe any intellectual property, copyright, trademark or license, or if TurdIsrael has received a takedown or infringement notice due to suspected copyright infringement, defamatory publication or other illegal content including inappropriate or illegal use or one that does not comply with the rules of use - all in accordance with its sole discretion.

49. You know and you confirm that the TurdIsrael website allows search engines such as Google and Bing to index and reproduce the website, including your profile in its entirety or in parts, the contents of your profile and its textual content, including your projects, your proposals, your articles, etc., and that you Agree absolutely and without any objection that search engines and other third party services will do so without any limitation.

50. In addition, you hereby confirm that TurdIsrael is not responsible for the information appearing on other websites that is taken, indexed or copied from your profile or any other source in your account. Please note that your information may appear in those search engines even after closing your account on the TuredIsrael website and that it is your sole responsibility to send any request to change or remove your data directly to those search engines and services - and it is not the responsibility of the TuredIsrael company to do this for you or on your behalf or at all.

E. Mailings, alerts, notices, and promotional material

51. When using the TuredIsrael website, you agree and confirm that TuredIsrael may use your information as follows:

51.1 To send you administrative and administrative e-mail messages, advertising and marketing material by e-mail (on behalf of TurdIsrael or third parties) and additional information that may be of interest to you. If you decide that you do not wish to continue receiving such messages, you must act in accordance with the instructions at the bottom of the e-mail message you received, on the settings page on the website or by sending a request by e-mail to: support [at];

51.2 To provide and improve the service, to complete your transactions, to handle your inquiries, to handle your registration process, to verify the information you provided and for internal business purposes;

51.3 to adjust the content offered on the website;

51.4 to manage, develop and promote the company's relationship with you and/or the company you represent;

51.5 In many cases TurdIsrael keeps information for at least 5 years, or for any period required for business and/or legal reasons.

51.6 TurdIsrael reserves the exclusive right to cancel your permission to continue receiving mailings, advertising communications, newsletters, administrative and administrative notices and/or any other content without giving you any prior notice.

51.7 TurdIsrael reserves the right to alert and inform other users of the site of your connection status to the service or the TurdIsrael website when you log in or log out of the site.

F. Website usage costs

52. For subscription buyers - the monthly service fees will be charged in advance every month, according to the chosen payment method, as long as the service is not canceled.

53. The use of the services offered on this website, some or all of them, including the services offered to experts such as access to projects and potential customers, involve a fee, which will be determined at the discretion of the website operators, and will be published from time to time. The company reserves the right to collect payments for all services and/or part of them at its sole discretion. It should be emphasized that after purchasing services on the website in accordance with the nature of the services offered by the company, making a refund and/or canceling a charge and/or canceling a transaction is in accordance with the provisions of the law.

G. Limitation of Liability

54. Subject to the provisions of these regulations, the user of the website as well as the guides agree that the responsibility of the website operators towards the user or towards a third party or towards guides, for damages and/or negligence and/or omission and/or as a result of the use of the website and/or the services is these regulations, will not exceed $300 (three hundred US dollars).

55. Without derogating from the general provisions of these regulations and the law, and subject to what is stated in section 54 above, the operators of the website and anyone on their behalf (including but without detracting from the generality of the above: applications of third parties and the contents of the website) shall bear no additional responsibility for any damage of any kind and type, including damage direct, consequential or indirect, arising from the use or the inability to use the site's contents whether based on tort law, contracts, negligence or any other legal law.

56. The operators of the site will not be held responsible with regard to the completion of the service offered on the site, punctuality, adequacy and/or the poor performance of a service by guides, including payment for the services offered on the site. Questions, claims or complaints regarding the completion of the service offered on the website, punctuality, adequacy and/or payment for the services should be directed to the appropriate service provider.

57. The user must exercise extra caution in communications with other users or with third parties, including unknown persons. Without deviating from the above, the use of the website and its contents can be used as is (AS IS) and the user will not have any claims, claims or demands against the operators of the website for the features of use, the limitations or the reactions that the publication on the website will provoke.

H. Cookies

58. TuredIsrael uses cookies for the regular and proper operation of the TuredIsrael website, including to collect statistical data about the use of the website, to verify details, to adapt the website to your personal preferences and information security needs. "Cookies" are text files, which your browser creates according to a command from TurdIsrael computers. If you do not want to receive cookies, you can avoid this by changing the settings in your browser. For this, please consult the browser's help file. Remember, however, that disabling cookies may result in you not being able to use some of the services and features on TurdIsrael or other websites.

Transaction cancellation conditions

Charges for order cancellation fees will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law 5771 - 1981 and the Consumer Protection Regulations (Transaction Cancellation), 5771 - 2010:
In any case of cancellation of an order, the customer will be charged a cancellation fee according to the date of receipt of the cancellation order on the website and in relation to the date of purchase

• Cancellation more than 27 business days before the tour date - no cancellation fee.
• Cancellation between 14-27 business days before the tour date - the cancellation fee is 20% of the tour price
• Cancellation between 5-14 business days before the tour date - 50% of the tour price.
• Cancellation within 5 business days before the tour date - 100% of the tour price.

Privacy protection

Privacy Policy
TuredIsrael respects the privacy of TuredIsrael members who use the various information platforms. These terms will teach you what TurdIsrael's privacy policy is. They review, among other things, the manner in which TuredIsrael uses the information provided to it by the users of the website or collected by it when using the website.

Registration for services
Some TurdIsrael services require registration. As part of the registration, you will be required to provide personal information, such as your name, address, phone number and e-mail address. The fields, which must be filled in, will be explicitly marked. Without providing the requested data in the mandatory fields, you will not be able to register for the services that require registration. Since TurdIsrael only asks for the information necessary for the service you signed up for, in some of the services you will be asked to add and provide additional data, which is required by the nature of the service.

The use of information
When using TurdIsrael, information may accumulate about your drivers, services you purchased, information you read, the pages you viewed, the offers and services that interested you, the payment methods you used, the location of the end device you used to access the site, and more. TurdIsrael will keep the information in its databases. The use of this data, as well as the data you provide during the registration process for the various TurdIsrael services, will be done only in accordance with this privacy policy or according to the provisions of any law - and this for the purposes detailed below: to allow you to use various TurdIsrael services, to verify the opinion, To allow the professionals to identify the customers with whom they performed a service, to improve and enrich the services and content offered by TurdIsrael, including creating new services and content that match the users' requirements and expectations, and to modify or cancel existing services and content. TurdIsrael may send you information about its services from time to time by e-mail. At any time you can demand to stop receiving it. TurdIsrael will not give your phone number or email address to professionals unless you request it. However, TurdIsrael may show professionals some of the phone numbers to verify the customer's identification, but in a way that does not allow contact with you. When making a service request, the details of the service request will be forwarded to the professional without your phone number, unless you specifically request that your number be transferred to businesses.

Providing information to a third party
TuredIsrael will not transfer your personal details and the information collected about your activity on the website to third parties. In particular, TurdIsrael will not transfer your mobile phone number or email address to third parties.

TuredIsrael uses cookies for the regular and proper operation of the TuredIsrael website, including to collect statistical data about the use of the website, to verify details, to adapt the website to your personal preferences and for information security purposes. "Cookies" are text files, which your browser creates according to a command from TurdIsrael computers. If you do not want to receive cookies, you can avoid this by changing the settings in your browser. For this, please consult the browser's help file. Remember, however, that disabling cookies may result in you not being able to use some of the services and features on TurdIsrael or other websites.

Data Security
TurdIsrael implements information security systems and procedures. While these systems and procedures reduce the risks of unauthorized access to TordIsrael computers, they are not completely secure. Therefore, TuredIsrael does not guarantee that the services of TuredIsrael will be absolutely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored in them.

Changes to the privacy policy
TurdIsrael may change the provisions of the privacy policy from time to time. If substantial changes are made to this policy, to the instructions regarding the use of personal information you provided, a notice will be published on the TuredIsrael website.


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הגדלת תצוגה
איפוס תצוגה

אתר מונגש

אנו רואים חשיבות עליונה בהנגשת אתר האינטרנט שלנו לאנשים עם מוגבלויות, וכך לאפשר לכלל האוכלוסיה להשתמש באתרנו בקלות ובנוחות. באתר זה בוצעו מגוון פעולות להנגשת האתר, הכוללות בין השאר התקנת רכיב נגישות ייעודי.

סייגי נגישות

למרות מאמצנו להנגיש את כלל הדפים באתר באופן מלא, יתכן ויתגלו חלקים באתר שאינם נגישים. במידה ואינם מסוגלים לגלוש באתר באופן אופטימלי, אנה צרו איתנו קשר

רכיב נגישות

באתר זה הותקן רכיב נגישות מתקדם, מבית all internet - בניית אתרים. רכיב זה מסייע בהנגשת האתר עבור אנשים בעלי מוגבלויות.